Publications & Presentations


Workplace Mental Health for Veterinary Teams with Mary Ann Baynton supported by the CVMA.

Mary Ann Baynton was involved in the development of the Canadian National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace. The CSA document was published in 2012 and have had measurable improvements at workplaces across Canada.

Recipe for Psychological Health and Safety at Work

Every workplace has an opportunity to sprinkle this recipe to improve their workday.

Blog written for Vetstrategy by Coral Doherty

The Psychologically Safe Co-Worker

When we understand the characteristics of a psychologically safe workplace and implement them in our daily routine, symptoms of compassion fatigue and burnout can begin to ease and we can once again focus on the things about our work that we love most.

Published by VetStrategy August 2021


Workplace Mental Health

Case studies have shown that employers who implement measures to protect and promote psychological health and safety experience measurable improvements in: • Employee retention • Overall productivity • Organizational excellence • Reduced compassion fatigue, burnout and secondary vicarious trauma • Improved attendance and worker satisfaction

written by Coral Doherty RVT, CPHSA

Published by ABMVA November/Dec 2020

Burnout Assessment Tool

 Better employee mental health matters. For now. For the future.

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Promote and protect a psychological healthy and safe workplace at your practice.


Mind the Gap: Staying Safe with Psychological Health and Safety Standards

Thursdays, 7pm MST, January 13, 2022 -March 3

This webinar series is being offered in partnership with the Alberta Veterinary Technologist Association and the Alberta Veterinary Medical Association with a focus on psychological health and safety standards in veterinary medicine. This series of 8, one-hour, interactive webinars will focus on how you and your veterinary clinic can work to improve the 13 factors for psychological health and safety as set out by the Canadian Mental Health Association. 

This series is geared towards clinic owners, practice managers, HR leads, clinic leads of Occupational Health and Safety Teams, employees at all levels who are interested in psychological health and safety, and board members of VMA and members of PIPS committees. 

Attendee Comments and Data - Results from the first Mind the Gap presentation January-March 2021

57% of attendees would like to implement Psychological Health and Safety Standards at their practice…within this year.

Attendees comments:

“It is not just our clinic that struggles with management and mental health importance.”

“There are actually many resources to use to implement to improve workplace Psychological Health and Safety”

“That Mental Health is important & should be a PHSMS should be available to me as an employee”

“The 13 factors affecting psychological health and safety and how important it is to have a safe workplace”

“I'm so pleased to see this topic being addressed in Veterinary Medicine which in my experience has been a field where physical health and safety was largely disregarded let alone psychological health and safety! The industry has a long way to go but this is a great place to start.”

“That I work in an extremely toxic environment and i need to leave”

“Importance of mental health and self care”

“This webinar made me realize that my workplace is toxic”

“Incredible resources and a safe space to share ideas; well done!”

Seating is full. Click here If you would like to reserve your spot for the next series

Your love for animals inspired you to become part of a veterinary team. It’s rewarding work. A great veterinary hospital comes down to more than people with technical knowledge and skill.

Your mental health and well-being and the psychological health and safety of people on your team matters.

For now. For the future.

We can help.

 Psychological Health Risks in your Workplace

Get in touch.

If you have questions about how to assess the psychological health and safety of your workplace, need advice on how to get started or have questions, we’d love to hear from you.

If you feel overwhelmed or you are in crisis and feel alone, click and reach out for help. You are not alone. There is someone who is there to help you.